Friday, December 29, 2006



Hair Length and color:
Eye color:
Rebel or XYhater or Dominator?:
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ):



Time zones are a bit of a booger, but I am sure you will get them once I explain them. The time zones in the main areas (those with names at the moment) are a lot like the United States time zones. Which means they are on the left side of the Prime Meridian. Lets say in Rinsdale the time is 9 AM. In the Islands and the Peninsula the time would be 7 AM. So using this as an Example the Black time zone is 7 AM, the Purple is 8 AM, The pink is 9 AM, and the grey is 10 Am. I hope that made sense. ^^;



Group Boundaries

Rebels- Yellow
Haters- Red
Dominators- Pale Green

COUNTRY: Chalistonia
Rinsdale- Rebel Town- Yellow on map
Icgrega- Hater Town- Red on map
Lusthanthium- Dominator Town- Pale Green on Map

Polistrophy Peninsula: Land of Desert and Ruins, very small oasis.

Juniper Islands: Lush vegetation, crops, food, and water

Wendage- Elven Realm

((Other cities and Continents in work))

MAPS OF THE PLANET- So far the map is still in Progress! :) The Planet of Excavanon is still expanding.

  • Earth: Deals with the earth, dirt, trees, etc
  • Air: Deals with wind and the air, clouds etc...
  • Fire: Volcanoes, fire like things
  • Water: Water like things, includes Ice as well
  • Electricity: Electricity
  • Delta: Water Wind and Electricity. Think Weather Elements
  • Chaos: A combination of Light and Dark
  • Zombie: Darkness, Use of Shadows, Dark magic, Twilight, the dead, necromancy
  • Holy: Use of Light, casting the power of soul and spirit.
  • Force: Movement with mind, telekinesis, mind control, Manipulates Gravity pulls or forces
  • Magnetronica: Manipulation of metal and Magnet like forces
  • Emos: Emotions, Manipulation a person's will, similar to Force, however it is more of away to force some people to fall in love unwillingly, become dolls. This tends to change people mentally with out them knowing it. Its like a transe of control of emotions and expressions.

Magic doesnt have to be tied to elements either though. Magic can be in various forms, i just like elements.


Valsera’s Henchmen

Also known as the 13 deadly Zodiac. ((WE don’t need to fill all the places now, it can be eventual as the story progresses. Specific Elements do not matter either. Just pick what you want. )).

• 1. Katya Ima -ELEMENT: Emos - Sama
• 2.
• 3. Lucca-ELEMENT: Zombie -Sama
• 4.
??????- ELEMENT: Water- Sama
• 5. Ciram- ELEMENT: Zombie/Darkness- Kitty-J
• 6.
• 7.
• 8.
• 9.
• 10.
• 11.
• 12.
• 13.

The Covenant

1. Zuli
2. Lorraine
3. Ora

The Dominators

  • Leader- Tyson Raizel- hunting knife and himself

His henchmen

  • Kanoa-: Magic: Lightning and throwing scythes (Much like shurikens but act like Boomerangs and shaped like scythes).
  • Lars


Elondra Coons…………….Room 299- The red room. (Basically just a room with a theme of red. Victorian interior. Very simple and Rustic. Doilies and cutsey things all over the place

Wise Garth………………...Room 123 A and B- Includes a typical room with a bed, bathroom, shower, small library, and study. Two levels and medium sized compared to Ishara’s room. Victorian Art Nouveau style.

Lucca Leaone………………..Room 294: Next door to Marinix’ room and rather similar in décor. Has an adjoining door to her room as well.

Kanoa………………………..N/A-With Sakoto

Lucious Garth……………………….Room 117: A Dark rustic casual room. Very plain and semi medieval.

Ishara Hanasaki……………Room 122 A, B, and C-Master Suite, Decadent room with no windows to the outside (just the way she likes it! XD) Gothic interior and Victorian mimicking the titanic’s interior of the ballroom, Three floor room. Stained glass windows to the interior of the hotel only. Has a large bathroom, closet, bed, and personal study. She has access to the roof on the third floor. Titanic ballroom stair case
Jisst ????...............................not assigned a room yet (injured and in rehabilitation). Is right now (vacant room) in room 280.


Sakoto Yimura…………….Room 297- The Sakura Room. A strange room with A live Sakura blossom tree. The room includes colors of pink, Red, Black trim, and white. This room also has an asian feel to it.

Kitty J:

Miecal Ember………………Room 298- Greek renaissance room. A room themed in draperies and based off the art of Greece. Includes greek relief sculpture on the walls and some statues. Colors include White, Grey, Red, and Black.



Xavier Nocturne…………….Room 292- The Grey room. A simple slate grey room with décor of Art nouveau curves and metal designs. Has white trims on the bed, pillows, and draperies.

Sephyr and Oramyr...........Room 291 and 290- Combo room suite. two beds, two baths, balcony, two closets a small kitchen and dining room table. Room is a class ensemble of rustic west, but high tech and made for the Victorian age.



A phoenix demon in my thread is basically a male or female with the attributes of the phoenix bird and part human.

A phoenix full form.
Appearance: Usually have dark tan skin, a darker brown or black skin, or a pure white skin that is generally sparkly. The hair is always long (down to the feet or more) and is a gradient of various colors.

Colors that phoenix only have:
Tropical: Pink, Magenta, Purple, Neon Pink, Blue, Indigo, Black, Red, Maroon, Orange, Yellow, Golden Yellow, White, Silver.

The eyes are generally: Silver, Black, Red, Yellow, Orange, or a sky blue.

The tend to have wings and feathers along their bodies and the colors of the feathers seem to vary and match the hair color gradients. Feathers along their bodies tend to be very random and unique. Some have more than others while some have less than others.

Phoenix demons tend to also be able to go into a human form to hide or shroud their appearance as a Demon. When a Human a human tends to have one color of their demon gradient hue for hair and eyes can generally take on unique or normal forms of hues like: Green, Silver, gold, or Blue. When in Human form their hair is shortened to a normal length.


Lucca is a half banshee
Ruwen is a full banshee




Name: Elondra Coons
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Family: Valsera
Hair Length and color: Waist length Pink hair
Eye color: purple and wears glasses
Species: human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Scars on back from repeated whipping.
Weapons: Magick, Sorcery, fencing,
Hobbies: Writing and reading, sewing her own clothes. Shes very much an arts and crafts sort of person.
Personality: Shes pretty Girly, but she can stand her ground in a fight. At times to keep her self from fighting back she lets her self be beaten. Shes helpful and is shy at times. Has a strange power that takes over her sometimes, leaving her unable to control anything that happens. This tends to take a lot of energy out of her.
Occupation: Was a librarian.
Fears: Men at times, created by the society she used to live in, spiders, blood
Goals: To help get freedom for men to achieve equality, to find love in someone, to understand what love is.
History(opt.): Before hand she lived in a city where many of the peoples were XYhaters and when they found out she was a rebel everyone turned on her. The scars on her back are from the repeated punishments many of the inhabitants bestowed upon her. Scars were first created by the Dominators. When she was caught for her dubious deeds against her sister, she was sentenced for life to be beaten and live forever in the bowels of the dungeons. When she finally escaped she went to Rindsale where they embraced her and helped her back to health, thanks to Ishara. She is fearful of men, but find them utterly fascinating. Many of the books that were banned by the XYhaters included many of the stories of men and their romantic excursions with a woman they fall in love with. She is a rebel because she endured and watched how many of them endured so much pain for existing.

Name: Wise Garth
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: Lucious
Hair Length and color: Red
Eye color: Green
Species: Vampire
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): One across the face (like squall's in FF8)
Weapons: His teeth XD , Katanna
Hobbies: Welding Katannas
Personality: Very open and slightly perverted, Can be an ass at times. Gets emotional a lot and lets them take a hold of him a lot. You can pretty much say he loves women, although the world he lives in makes it really hard to be with them.
Occupation: Take out XYhaters.
Fears: XYhaters, especially the new leader
Goals: None
History(opt.): Most of his past is unknown/ explained in RPG

Name: Lucca Leaone
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Family: none. They were all killed.
Hair Length and color: Long flowy silver hair.
Eye color: One green the other red.
Species: Appears human, but is a Banshee
Rebel or XYhater?: Neutral, but is siding on the XY haters.
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Tattoos on the back of her neck that continue all the way down the back of her body (tribal).
Weapons: Magic and Necromancy. Can control the dead. She loves puppets and makes objects move on their own. She also uses her voice to sing and attract those she wants to to take advantage of them.
Hobbies: Dancing, Beer, parties, and playing around.
Personality: Fun spunky and loves people. She was saved by Valsera after she was beaten by her boyfriend when they were both rebels. He got angry with her and beat her up to the point of death. Valsera found her and offered her life for exchange of protection and to become an XY allegiant. She agreed and Valsera saved her life. Lucca is now feeling like she should have just died. She doesn’t like killing people, she likes to toy around with them like a cat.
Occupation: Assistant to Valsera. Used to be a botanist.
Fears: Being beaten by another person. (like physical harm like beating, smacking, kicking, etc.) She is terrified of hand to hand combat. If someone comes on the offensive towards her she cowers and runs away.
Goals: To find freedom.
History(opt.): Abusive boyfriend pretty much made her very sensitive and emotional. She’s never had a family, shes pretty much been an orphan. She’s lived a basic life for years until she almost died. She uses her heart and wants more than she should. Shes strong willed and forceful at times, but when in contact with someone she cares dearly about she tends to not think rationally and it gets her in trouble.

Name: Melina Ascot
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Family: Her mother, the countess. An older brother.
Hair Length and color: Red wavy to curly hair. Shes Irish. Her hair reaches her midback but when straightened it goes past her butt.
Eye color: Golden Brown and in some lights Hazel.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: NA
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Has a small scar on her back from horseplay with her brother. Wears makeup to accent her features.
Weapons: None
Hobbies: Art, Dancing, Sewing,
Personality: Very lively and loves the finer things in life. Though she loves material things… she tends to be very open minded and less corporate. Loves nature and nice long boat rides in the lake. Shy and conservative around new people but eventually warms up to them.
Occupation: A teacher.
Fears: Never being able to find love, Breaking her bones if she trips down somewhere.
Goals: To continue teaching and find more in life.

Name: Dourrigan Preasley
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Family: Royal Family of England, Earth.. O_O
Hair Length and color: Black down to his mid back. Usually tied in a pony tail.
Eye color: Sepia, a beautifully resilient color of brown and very capturing.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Neither, From earth
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Left ear pierced twice.
Weapons: Sword for fencing.
Hobbies: Writing poetry and reading. Loves to spend money on horses and Art.
Personality: Witty, strong willed, and never gives up. Some times he seems to have an ego.. but that is not the case. He generally comes off that way though.
Occupation: Prince
Fears: Large bugs, Massive spiders bigger than his hand or equal to the side of his hand. Loss of someone he cares dearly about.
Goals: become king and run the country well and equally. To marry someone he loves and not what his family wants.

Name: Valsera Coons
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Family: Elondra Coons. Her only sister. And only family. Hair Length and color:
Eye color: Blue and Yellow (A mix between a mutation and normal lack of there of pigment.
Hair: Pink hair, down to her mid back, usually wears it in a braid. Has fluffy bangs and sideburns.
Skin: She has fair skin but usally more peach and tan, which only accents her appearance to passer bys.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: The leader of the XY haters
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Has a scar and tattoo on her back. She has a tattoo on her face that mocks a scar. She has her ears pierced and a small stud in her nose.
Weapons: Swords, staff, Guards, Magic
Hobbies: None… Ruling a nation.
Personality: Ruthless, mean, coerce, stingy and stubborn
Occupation: XYhater Leader
Fears: Love
Goals: To rid the planet of Men and to achieve her desires see fit. History: MUHAHAHAHAHA >: ) Not telling XD Only in rpg revealed.

Name: Kanoa ???
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Family: ???
Hair Length and color: Shoulder Length unruly, but neat, Bright but a darkly saturated Blue
Eye color: Silver changes to black when angry
Clothing Choices: Loves to wear dark colors, masks, long overcoats, and tends to be very imperial when it comes to his style.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Dominator
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Eyebrow pierced, Three in left ear (Facing), and Two in the right. Tattoo on his lower back of a Mantis.
Weapons: Magic: Lightning and throwing scythes (Much like shurikens but act like Boomerangs and shaped like scythes).
Hobbies: Yeh…. Fill in the blanks with that one. ^^; Horseback riding, insect collector.
Personality: Often demanding, talks a lot because he gets nervous sometimes, and tends to annoy a lot of people. Regardless of his demanding side he’s normally very shy and reserved. He tends to be an a** and gets what he wants. His thoughts on women are very odd. In a sense he feels they should be swarming over him and wanting to love him. He thinks very highly of love, but its rather unhealthy. He forces love and desire towards him, but really he’s never really loved anyone, nor has anyone fallen in love with him.
Occupation: Dominator
Fears: Water, large patches of Ice
Goals: Finding his place in life, being accepted, may be finding love.
History(opt.): He tends to shroud most of his history from others. A lot of his past became forgotten through the stress he went through when the gender wars came about. It comes up at times, leaving him to rethink over things and make him change totally out of character than what he should be acting like. Forexample: If a past event came up and he was expected to act like a Dominator, he would revert back to how he was before. It tends to confuse him and send him into ruts and at times anger and frustration. He was accumulated by the Dominators at a young age and that is all he’s known up until now.

Name: Ruwen Lilandra
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Family: None-She’s never known them
Hair Length and color: Long naturally curly Purple Hair. Usually where’s it in a lovely Gibson hairdo.
Apperance: Upon being bought from a slave trader, Ruwen was expected to look her best and where the finest clothes that were provided to her by the Dominators. The dominators believe that a lady should be fitting and always attractive to men. So she tends to wear elaborate dresses and always looks her best. She has dark tan skin sometimes a burt sienna in some lights which really enhance her eyes and her hair.
Eye color: Silver
Species: Banshee, sings, but is forbidden to use her powers to coerce others to do her bidding.
Rebel or XYhater?: Slave to the Dominators, a Doll to their whims, their trapped butterfly in a bottle…
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): A scar on her back is shaped oddly enough like a butterfly. The other men in the house either call her Ruwen or Butterfly for that distinguishing mark. She has a brand code on the bottom of her foot denoting where she is from and who specifically she belongs to. Has pierced ears twice on both sides.
Weapons: Her voice, and her nails. If she’s lucky she can get a hold of a knife, but though collecting them, never uses them for her advantage to escape.
Hobbies: She really doesn’t have any. Most of her life she was taught to be a doll, and to only bow down to a mans whim. Versatile, she changes herself to the mans desires. Though if she was able to, she would continue work in planting and botany and her fascination with the sciences and maths. Loves to play the mandolin and the piano, eventhough she is often forced to play it and sing her songs…
Personality: Shy, Quiet, and very reserved. Never makes eye contact with anyone for long periods of time. Tends to shiver and shake a lot of the time, mostly out of fear and nervousness.
Occupation: None
Fears: Men overally, though she’s become accustomed to being around them and following orders as told. Tends to not like water or bridges, nor does she not like not being able to see. Hates the darkness and always needs to have some form of light on or she tends to get very uncomfortable. Doesn’t like tight spots because the dominators thought it was funny to stick her in a small closet, in the dark, with barely any air or room to move. At times they would leave her in there for several hours at a time and forget about her. She was lucky if she was released the day she was placed in it.
Goals: Find a life of her own and escape the pain shes had to endure most of her life.
History(opt.): --Explained more in rpg XD--

Name: Lucious Garth
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: Wise
Hair Length and color: Red
Eye color: Green
Species: Human. Cursed with being a Crow, now is Immortal.
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Crow tattoo, tribal designs up the sides of his arms and back.
Weapons: Two Sickles, titanium blades and colored. Speed magic, can increase the molecules around specific areas and also slow them down.
Hobbies: Reading. Loves to read.
Personality: Dominant in relationships and tends to be a romantic. Tends to worry about people at times, and constantly tries to find ways to break his curse.
Occupation: None... Perhaps hasn’t found his calling yet.
Fears: Cages, being confined for a long time, not being able to find love and be confined as a crow forever
Goals: To break his curse
History(opt.): In RPG

Name: Reginald Arthur Lautrec, “Arthur” for short
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Family: Two Brothers: Cain and Abel
Hair Length and color: A little past Shoulder length Auborn reddish brown that gradients into orange and then finally white hot at the tips. Tends to wear a couple braids with beads in his hair every once and a while.
Appearance: Has pale skin, and is part of a demon clan of western terrier dogs. He has pointy dog ears the hue of white, and has the left ear pierced with an earring and a cuff link attached to a chain. He tends to wear elaborate clothing, and never fails at attracting anyone in a crowd.
Eye color: Violet and Yellow
Species: Part Dog Demon and Part Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Neither
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Earrings on left ear, long scars on the backs of his legs, A little scar crossing through his eyebrow on his right eye.
Weapons: Whips, any sort of whip he can get his hand on. Has a particular whip he always has to have on him. The details on the ends have a diamond encrusted arrowhead and all along the whip are embedded spikes of diamonds. He also has a normal woven rope whip that he uses to snatch his prey.
Hobbies: antiquities, painting masks, woodwork, making puppets
Personality: Has two different personality types due to certain situations. When he wants to be seen, he tends to be outspoken, unruly, and rather uncouth in a very civilized manner. At times gets a bit overwhelmed with ego and the concept of “holier than thou!” complex going. When he is on the prowl, however, to find the greatest jewels possible, or a hint of a valuable item, he tends to be incognito and rather quiet and unnoticed.
Occupation: Thief and ???- Explained more in RPG
Fears: Getting caught, tends to throw him off guard. Gypsies, the same conniving pilferers, but tend to be more on the down-low and move rather often to area to area. Loud noises tends to overwhelm him and it causes him to slip up and make a myriad of mistakes.
Goals: To own a library someday, to have a museum dedicated to the various trophies he has stolen.
History(opt.): He is a young man at heart, and tends to take life at the balls. He loves the adrenaline he gets from pilfering, and tends to make his living stealing treasures from all over the place. He is always accompanied with his brothers, whom also help in the stealing endeavors, it is all he knows. (rest explained in RPG )

Name: Stefan Karelle
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Family: Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister.
Hair Length and color: Long Waist long blackish dark Bluish hair. Usually braided or left to roam freely.
Eye color: Sepia/ a highly saturated Brown, almost red.
Species: Dragon demon in disguise. Has two forms, one a Dragon form, and has a human form which he dons most of the time.
Rebel or XYhater?: N/A…
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Eye brow piercing, a small ring in his lip, left ear pierced. No tattoos. No scars.
Weapons: Magic.
Hobbies: ????
Personality: ?????
Occupation: ?????
Fears: ?????
Goals: ?????
History(opt.): ?????

Name: Emilian Karelle
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Family: Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister.
Hair Length and color: Reddish Brown hair that falls to his chin. Curls delicately about his face.
Eye color: Hazel, green.
Species: Dragon demon in disguise. Has two forms, one a Dragon form, and has a human form which he dons most of the time.
Rebel or XYhater?: N/A
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Has No Tattoos. Has one Ear pierced five times (the left one), and has a piercing on the nape of his nose. No scars.
Weapons: Magic
Hobbies: ????
Personality: ?????
Occupation: ?????
Fears: ????
Goals: ?????
History(opt.): ?????

Name: Katya Ima
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Family: mother, father, brother and girlfriend Verita (all deceased)
Hair Length and color: Mid-back at the longest, but with several different-length layers. Black on bottom layer with blonde on top layers. Blue chunks of hair close to bangs, AND...some random blue and black streaks.
Eye color: Golden-green
Species: Human
Rebel or Xyhater?: Xyhater (metal element por favor)
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): (sorry in advance for’s long)
Tattoos: Face: three black tears under left eye (for mother father and brother)
Left arm: Corpse-like face on shoulder, surrounded by ribbon-swirls and circles. Words “remember our enslavement” on the inside of arm. Long spiky shape on outside of arm. Diamond on wrist.
Right arm: Typical “in love heart” with “Verita” written in the heart. Five bars on the outside of the arm. (For each family member, Verita, and herself)
Torso: Small gun under ribs on both sides. Blood-dripping sword in the middle of the two pointing down to bellybutton.
Left leg: Random swirls from thigh to foot.
Right leg: Screaming bloody face on thigh
Piercings: 6-gauge in both ears, right-side cartilage piercing, left-side nose stud.
Weapons: Any kind of gun (particularly automatic ones) concealable knives, body ( for fighting T_T)
Hobbies: Torturing/ killing men and rebels, shooting things, drinking, fighting
Personality: Like a rattlesnake on crack. She’s vicious and very emotional in general. She’s very open about her (obviously) prejudiced views of men and non-XYhater women. She is also dangerously ambitious.
Occupation: Xyhater (member of 13 deadly Zodiac)
Fears: weakness, falling in love again
Goals: to erase the male species
History: Katya lived a fairly normal life with a wealthy family. When she turned 14, she fell in love with a poor girl named Verita. She had to hide her love from her family because they did not approve. She was successful for nearly two years, however, her family was suspicious. Katya’s parents sent her brother to follow her. When he caught Katya with Verita, he shot Verita in the head and had her body hidden. Katya’s family had her committed. She escaped in less than a week and returned home where she shot her brother and parents. She was sent to prison and stayed there until she was 20. She was set free by a group of XYhaters, and has risen amongst them ever since and wishes to continue down this path.

Name: Tyson Raizel
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Family: none anymore
Hair Length and color: cheekbone-length black
Eye color: cream-colored
Species: human
Rebel or XYhater?: dominator
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): heavy scarring around lips, cheeks, neck and chest
Weapons: hunting knife and himself
Hobbies: hunting down and torturing/ killing XYhaters. Humiliating and otherwise victimizing women, gambling
Personality: chauvinistic (duh), violent/ cruel, outgoing and fun around other men.
Occupation: dominator
Fears: fire of any kind
Goals: To take over as ruler of the world
History: When Ty was 10 years old, his mother left his father for another man. After this, his father fell into a deep depression. After two years of fighting it, he tried to burn Ty to death, but only burned around his chest and face. Thinking he had successfully killed Ty, his father set himself on fire and burned to death. Ty blamed his mother for his father’s death and this caused him to have very little respect for all women. He grew up alone and taught himself how to survive. He never knew anything better than “women are stupid and only good for fun.” This led him to the life of a dominator.
I would like to volunteer him for the position of leader of the dominators...if the position is not yet filled.

Name: Ora
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Family: ???
Hair Length and color:
Eye color:
Rebel or XYhater or Dominator?:
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ):

Name: Lorraine
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Family: ???
Hair Length and color: Purple hair short in the back Long in the front, tends to curl at times.
Eye color:
Rebel or XYhater or Dominator?:
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ):


The Covenant X 3
Slavina Grey


Name: Danu ???? AKA GABRIEL Ember
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Family: ????
Hair Length and color: Black hair, Was shoulder length when he was 22. It is now Down to the bottom of his back.
Eye color: Blue
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Leader of the Rebels
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Three earrings on one ear. Has a tattoo that wraps around his right leg. The detail includes a bunch of floral nouveau designs, with a wolf.
Weapons: uses claws, elbow, and leg braces with retractable blades and his magical abilities. He also knows martial arts so woot!.
Hobbies: Writing books, which mostly likely get banned by the XY haters. The books are written by Lenore Publishing company, who also provides the rebel newspaper that Xavier writes articles.
Personality: Calm quiet and can be very secretive.
Occupation: Rebel Leader.
Fears: A life where men don’t need to fight to Exist.
Goals: To stop the XY haters
History(opt.): Tee hee

Name: Miecal Ember
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: -none- ???
Hair Length and color: He has black hair that reaches just past his shoulders.
Eye color: Blue
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel L_L
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): He has a large Japanese style tattoo on his back. It consists of a large dragon and krane intertwined with other added details. He also has scarring all around his neck from the electric metal collar he wore while with the mad woman.
Weapons: Blades, agility, and martial arts.
Hobbies: He does a bit of everything…though he enjoys drawing the most.
Personality: He’s friendly but also a bit guarded.
Occupation: -none-
Fears: Needles and being chained up or captured again.
Goals: He wants to find a place to live out the rest of his life happily…without having to run from the Xyhaters.
History(opt.): Miecal had been a college student at the beginning of this female domination, but after a strange turn of events he was sold as a ‘slave’ or maybe he should’ve been called a guinea pig. He had been sold off the killing list to a mad woman who used him to test certain experiments and help her create her own kinds of monsters. Eventually, however, fate took the woman’s life, leaving Miecal in the hands of a caring neighbor whom cerished his company and promised to help him find somewhere safe to live.

Name: Jacob is what Anilla calls him…but Joseph Harkin is his real name.
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Family: unsure.
Hair Length and color: see image XD I gots lazy
Eye color: Gorgeous green sometimes has a hint of golden yellow.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: .....
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): one across his face
Weapons: none
Hobbies: collecting butterflies (he puts them in a glass case for a few days and then lets them go)
Personality: Almost nonexistent…he appears mostly like a large doll unemotional…unless he’s out in nature…then he may smile.
Occupation: Doll/slave
Fears: Living as he does now for the rest of his life.
Goals: ? not sure
History(opt.): I’ll develop it later in the story but general. He was taken as a prisoner and when Anilla ‘saw’ (

Name: Anilla Pawson (said like Aniya)
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Family: none
Hair Length and color: Hits her lower back…check the pic. ^^
Eye color: Well, one eye is fake & the other is a pale pale blue…almost white.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: XY hater
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Scars across her eyes and on her wrists.
Weapons: Throwing knives, sais, & her mind... (reads/invades minds & even controls people, use them to see….can levitate some.)
Hobbies: Playing the violin & piano.
Personality: Cold, Devious, and dangerous toward males. She also has a weird demented since of playfulness. However, around females she has more of a devoted loyal sense about her…and seems almost friendly.
Occupation: one of the 13 deadly zodiac…um I guess the element could be the Mind?...dunno
Fears: Losing her power & becoming a mere blind girl.
Goals: to put men in their proper place.
History: Anilla grew up in an abusive home. Her father often times became enraged if Anilla ever showed any kind of ‘power’. His violence grew daily until one day he ended up stabbing Anilla’s mother to death…Anilla who had been hiding in her room during this came upon the scene and started screaming and crying while kneeling next to her bleeding mother. Her father’s anger rose again and he attacked her slashing at her face…she tried to protect herself yet he still cut up her eyes and wrists to a point that her more powerful subconscious mental powers emerged and forced him to slit his own throat. She was only 8 at the time. After that she spent the next 10 years in orphanages and other demented foster families. During this time she trained her powers and grew in strength tremendously. On her 19th birthday she began traveling and learning to live on her own. However, it was only after she met the XY haters that she realized she could use her powers to ‘see’ through others eyes. Since that time her brewing hatred of men has grew to a point of pure revulsion. She trains constantly in the use of sais and throwing knifes, along with her mental exercise, so that one day she could fully feel her ‘revenge’, for all she has been through, has been accomplished. On the matter of Jacob…when he had been brought to the fortress to be a slave she had viewed through his eyes what he looked like and fell in love with the deep green. She claimed him as her personal servant and constantly refers to his eyes as her own. She was the one who slashed his face in an effort to separate the beauty of his eyes from his male face when staring at his reflection. She also had his tongue cut out to stop his constant talking back and mutterings…and then she even had him castrated to humiliate him and break his spirit.

Name: Ciram Illyia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Family: A brother
Hair Length and color: Short and blue/black….check the pic. ^^
Eye color: Dark Red/black
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: XY hater
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Lots of Tattoos….on her face, neck, collarbone, stomach & back.
Weapons: Needles which she keeps at her waist and on her forearm. Also she can manipulate shadows and use them to sneak around unnoticed.
Hobbies: She likes cats. L_L
Personality: Very secretive…doesn’t let many people know what she’s up. She is kind, gentle, and an overall caring person. (Thus her occupation clashes often with her feelings).
Occupation: One of the 13 Zodiac – Element Shadow
Fears: Fighting
Goals: To find her brother.
History: Ciram was born into a world without parents…her mother died while giving birth to her and her father had died a year before she was born. Her brother was the only one that took care of her while they both grew up in an orphanage. When the fighting between the sexes began she had just turned 6. It was then that she was separated from her brother, and brought into the world of the xy haters. It was there she was raised and it is there she feels most at home. However, it is not in her nature to enjoy brutality or hating of the opposite sex and often times is scolded for being too merciful or turning a blind eye. Often times if she finds a male she hides or runs, thus most of her work is watching or spying; and while she could leave the haters, she doesn’t ---feeling that being connected here will be helpful in finding information on her brother whom she believes is still alive.

Name: Akira Orome
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: all passed away
Hair Length and color: Brownish Orange like color
Eye color: Slate olive color
Species: Fox Demon
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): A small silohette tattoo of a fox on the back of his neck, & a large scar all around his right leg.
Weapons: Deception techniques and such…also hides two blades at his wrist.
Hobbies: Travel
Personality: Very outgoing and determined. He’s a sly man with smooth talking skills. Often times if he wants something he will find a way to get it.
Occupation: none
Fears: Fire
Goals: Just to enjoy life.
History: Akira was born and raised in the Lever Islands…and had a good childhood. He spent most of his time in the forests living off the land with his family as nomadic people. As the battles raged around him he felt non-existent…the fights and arguments avoiding his thoughts and becoming a mere event happening elsewhere. It wasn’t long after the battles began that his parents passed from old age leaving him and his older brother to move about on their own. Nothing really changed that is until his brother was killed in a small village in Grisbar. At first Akira only sought revenge, however, when face to face with his brother’s killer, a young easily frightened girl, Akira could not go forward with it. Since then he has continued to travel, his thoughts mostly cheerful unless directed toward his family or loved ones.

Name: Sarayi Gesman
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Family: Lots
Hair Length and color: Very long Silver/white slightly curly hair; usually adorned with a lot of jewels, ornaments, and such.
Eye color: Maroon
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: None
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): 2 large hoop piercings in each ear.
Weapons: girly slaps
Hobbies: Dancing and music
Personality: She is extremely naïve/innocent with certain situations. She is also very caring and kind of your overall nice girl. However, you get on her bad side and you’ll regret it one way or the other.
Occupation: Gypsy dancer
Fears: Snakes and mice/rats
Goals: To help anyone she meets enjoy life more.
History: Sarayi was born on one of the many Juniper Islands and has traveled since she was an infant, mostly within the many islands. Her father and mother are the leaders of the large Gypsy group and are one of the most wealthy as well, making her almost like a princess…very dainty and well taught. While Sarayi enjoys her life with her family and friends…recently she has desired to travel outside of the Juniper Islands to visit the different places, but has yet to gain the courage to. For now she has decided to stay ‘home’.

Some characters were removed because interactions and or stories didn't connect with main characters. Characters can still be found on the OOC Thread.

Name: Ishara Hanasaki
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Family: None
Hair Length and color: Mid-back, black
Eye color: Green
Species: Vampire
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Earrings on both ears
Weapons: Shurikens and bladed fan
Hobbies: Ninjutsu
Personality: Calm, silent, and can seem cold hearted. Everything really depends on her mood and the person/people she's around.
Occupation: Ninja
Fears: Getting too close to people.
Goals: Live happily/freely alone or with people. Take out XYhaters
History(opt.): N/A

Name: Jisst ????
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Family: None
Hair Length and color: Short, dark brown almost black
Eye color: Blue
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Scar over his right eye so he can't see out of it, scar across the bridge of his nose.
Weapons: Twin swords and daggers
Hobbies: Fighting
Personality: Cold to most, seems a little psychotic.
Occupation: Wandering fighter
Fears: When an owls head turns around.
Goals: None
History(opt.): N/A

Name: Romer Wilz (Pronounced: Wil-ts)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Family: ????
Hair Length and color: Brown, almost red; semi-long.
Eye color: Brown, almost red.
Species: Half human, half elf
Rebel or XYhater, Something else?: Dominator
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): His ears are slightly pointed (half elf ears). He wears a silver cuff near the top of each of his ears.
Weapons: Scythe
Hobbies: ????
Personality: Usually calm and semi-cold; he likes to joke around and is prone to being sarcastic.
Occupation: Assassin
Fears: Lace and pink things
Goals: ????
History(opt.): He became a dominator when he finally got fed up with being a rebel and seeing the women in charge. Out of his anger, annoyance, and spite, he joined up with the vow that no woman would rule over him again.

Name: Sakoto Yimura
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Family: None
Hair Length and color: Slightly spiky, shoulder length black hair.
Eye color: Gray
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks (tattoos, earings, scars, etc. ): Two small black hoop earings. Black finger cut off gloves.
Weapons: None
Hobbies: Eating, Training, Fighting, and Reading.
Personality: Sakoto is a very kind person. She's especially good with kids, and doesn't dislike anyone for no reason. She's extremly helpful and loving, but completly dense when it comes to peoples affections. Sakoto is a fighter, who has trained most of her life with her grandfather. When her grandfather was killed, she continued training, doing her best to keep his spirit alive through her. She can get extremly angry when somebody she's close to is harmed or insulted, and will mostl likely challenge them to a fight.
Occupation: Fighter, Body Guard. (Currently looking for job though)
Fears: Sea Cucumbers
Goals: None really. Takes life as it comes.
History(opt.): ((I like to do character development. I wont give her background away too much now.))

Name: Xavier Nocturne
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Family: Mother (Unknown), All others deceased
Hair Length and color: Shoulder Length, Dark Brown, Elegantly Messy
Eye color: Hazel, though usually a shade of green, they tend to settle on a gray color.
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater: Rebel
Piercings: Silver Bands around upper ear, Silver hoop in lower left ear.
Tattoos: Intricate Tribal designs on back that wrap over shoulders and down to wrists.
Marks: Various scars are scattered about his torso and arms from constant sword fights and past torture.
Weapons: Dual short swords, Quills, Boot Dagger
Hobbies: Writing, Sword Fighting, Drinking Rum
Personality: Calm, Cool, and Collected, tends to have a slight Ego and can be Cold at times.
Occupation: Writer, Freedom Fighter, Drunk
Fears: Being forgotten when he dies.
Goals: To never be forgotten, To protect BEAUTIFUL Girls, Drink Rum
History: Spent his childhood being tortured by XYhaters. He escaped his imprisonment at the age of fourteen and began training sword techniques as to defend from further capture. This however seemed rather useless as he was capture three years later at the age of seventeen. However, the XYhaters underestimated his abilities, and he was able to easily escape once more. However, due to the long years of torture, he can not remember much other than the pain he experienced. Tortured to the point of Amnesia, he has took to writing as a way to make money as well as keep his memories from ever being lost again. Further more, he took to drinking rum in order to help ease the pain of the scars that litter his body.

Extra Notes: Xavier has a very Handsome and Elegant face. Xavier wears a white poet style shirt. Long flowing shirt, v-neck with the little strings to hold the v-neck shut, long sleeves that synch at the wrist and then puff out over the hand again. Also, a gray form fitting vest over that, and sometimes a gray hooded cloak. Black knee high boots, and kind of fitting black pants, but still a little loose around the legs, that is tucked into his boots. His swords set in hilts to either hip. His dagger is strapped to his left boot. Carries a small vial of ink, a few pieces of parchment, two small quills, a slightly large quill (sometimes worn in a hat if he ever wears one). Also various pouches and belts hang at his waist, though most of his poaches are actually empty, varieous types of gems and money are scattered about the different poaches.


Name: Oramyr Grayraven
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Family: Mother & Father (killed by XYhaters), Twin (Sephyr)
Hair Length and color: Shoulder length, Silver, Pulled back into ponytail (set low on head), has a small braid at the front right of bangs.
Eye color: Blue
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebal
Marks: None
Weapons: Twin Swords
Hobbies: Sword fighting and Eating
Personality: Stubborn, Harsh at times, Short tempered, Finds Humor in most situations.
Occupation: Swordsman
Fears: Being killed before reaching his goal
Goals: To be the best swordsman the world has ever seen

Name: Sephyr Grayraven
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Family: Mother & Father (killed by XYhaters), Twin (Oramyr)
Hair Length and color: Shoulder length, Silver, Pulled back into ponytail (set high on head), has a small braid at the front left of his bangs.
Eye color: Green
Species: Human
Rebel or XYhater?: Rebel
Marks: None
Weapons: Delta and Holy magics
Hobbies: Studying, Practicing Magic, Taking care of Oramyr
Personality: Smart, Loving, and Generous, Always correcting his brothers mistakes.
Occupation: Part time Librarian
Fears: Being seperated from Oramyr
Goals: To learn as much as he can, and to look after his brother

Extra Notes: Both wear matching outfits made of silk and trimmed in silver, though Oramyr's is blue and Sephyr's is green. Black boots that tie up to the knee, and a silver sash around the waist. Oramyr carries his swords on his back, and Sephyr always has some sort of book with him in hand.

Character Lists

All the Characters and Side Characters in the RPG

This is good for reference to see what characters you have ( if more than one usually) and to use it for a great checklist. It also helps to know how has what character if for some reason someone has a brain fart!

The Covenant

1. Zuli
2. Lorraine
3. Ora


Elondra Coons
Wise Garth
Valsera Coons-Lazareth- a phoenix she talks to for support and advice since she is part demon.
Lucca Leaone- Her horse is Mertle
Melina Ascot
Dourrigan Preasley
Kanoa Illyia
Ruwen Lilandra
Lucious Garth
Nylan Lilandra
Reginald Arthur Lautrec
Slavina Grey ?????
Lee Gordon ????
Sabine Katya Ima
Tyson Raizel


Marinix Sinclaire
Bernarnd Greenwich


Danu/ Gabriel Ember
Miecal Ember
Jacob AKA Joseph Harkin
Anilla Pawson
Ciram Illyia- Eli her companionAkira Orome
Sarayi Gesman
Derindel Zuli


Ishara Hanasaki
Jisst ????
Romer Wilz Sakoto Yimura Oramyr
Sephyr Xavier Nocturne
Lars- Lackey of a Dominator
Doctor Cayle Lexis- Former proprietor and supportor of the University of Lexis

Zombie Puppets
Dominator Guards w/out gauntlets
Dominator Guards w/ gauntlets
XY Hater Guards
Imp Puppets (Spies)